A game aimed at fun!
After being lost on the moon, your Keeper needs fuel to get back to his planet and needs to collect crystals to turn fuel.
These crystals are precious. You can earn a lot with your Keeper
Is this game free?
Yes! This game is for everyone to enjoy for free!
But be aware that there are items that can only be collected by rare NFT and with the purchase of special items using $MOONK, the game’s native token
How can you play?
Through your computer online or on your cell phone!
You just need to have a METAMASK wallet and register and you will be able to use the demo version and if you want to advance and earn rewards that can be sold in the game, you must have your NFT and $MOONK tokens.
Is the game interactive?
Call your friends and send your link! A room full of contestants can compete for rewards and see who can win the most!